The Great Stygian Abyss (1st Floor) For Unreal
Produced by: Zerker
Website: Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss @ Zerk Zone

A re-creation of the entire first floor of Ultima Underworld, for Unreal. The level fully supports all of Unreal’s gaming modes, including co-operative play and botmatches.
This is a re-creation of the first level of the Great Stygian Abyss, from Ultima Underworld, for Unreal. The level fully supports all of Unreal’s gaming modes, including co-operative play and botmatches.
It also implements some of the conditions present in the Abyss in Ultima Underworld. The developer warns: “[d]on’t kill everything you see. Most of the humanoids are in fact, not hostile in this map, to be true to the original. There are still a few hostile Skaarj away from the settlements, but inside the settlements, they’re friendly. The secret door by the silver sapling must be shot to be opened, the one by the fountain of strength only opens from inside, and the one in the Grey Goblin settlement is unopenable. Oh, and if you get sick of trying to jump up the steps in the jumping puzzle, I sympathise with you, but there is some worthwhile stuff up there, if you can spare the minute needed to get it right.”
Naturally, the map also requires Unreal to play. You can find the game on Steam these days, and you can also get it at GOG.